Palm Beach is not a hotel or vacation resort; it is primarily a long term residential facility and as such does not operate a reception or concierge facility. Palm Beach employs 24 hour security to monitor and control access to the development by residents, guests and service providers.
Residents are asked to immediately report any suspicious or unusual activity by calling the access control gate (426-0691) or the Property Manager (230-0052).
All short term rental arrivals must report to security at the main gate before entering the property and, during normal working hours, must be met on arrival by the owner or agent of the unit which they wish to access. Outside of these hours renters must have the appropriate documentation in their possession in order to gain access. Failure to be met on arrival in this manner may result in delays in accessing the property.
Documentation required by short term renters is:
Prior to arrival their information must have been provided to security.
They must be in possession of a signed copy of the third party occupant declaration form.
They must possess clear instructions on how to gain access to their rented unit.