Fire Drill
Once a fire alrm is triggered it will be immediately reported, via the alarm system, to both the security hut and the property managers office indicating the location of the sensor alert.
In the event of a fire alarm residents should immediately vacate their unit leaving all doors closed but not locked.
Assemble by the main stairway on each floor of the building.
Await instructions from the fire officer - on hearing a single blast on an air horn immediately leave the building via the stair well and proceed to the assembly point on the main lawn close to the beach.
Once the fire service has arrived and/or the all clear is given (2 blasts on the air horn) and not before, residents may return to their units.
If a false alarm has occurred in a unit then the resident should immediately call Security (426 0691) and the Palm Beach Property Manager (230 0052) and report the false alarm.
Fire Officers
Block | Fire officer | Unit # |
A | Dr. Geoffrey De Caires | 404 |
Dennis Blades | 503 | |
B&C | Douglas Mackenzie | 312 |